[SAS Opsrisk] Steps to start/stop SAS services:


In order to avoid any unexpected issues when restart SAS system, all SAS services need to be start/stop exactly in the direction as in the picture below, ONE by ONE in the following order: 

  • some services might take up to 5 mins to start. please wait for service to start before starting the next service. 
  • Failure to start/ stop in the order might cause errors 

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Important Notes: 

  1. When start SASServerX_Y services, need to check the server.log to see if the service is up. The server.log file located in: 

                    <config dir>/Lev1/Web/WebAppServer/SASServerX_Y/logs 

If the service is truly up, you should see “Server start in xxxxx ms” in the last line of the log’s content. 


  1. [LINUX/UNIX] There are possibilities that some services are not truly down. After stopping, do a grep for "Lev1" to see if there's any other jobs that are still running. On the Meta and Compute Tier also grep "sas" if you are stopping and restarting. Kill the jobs and start (SAS’s support team’s instruction, need confirm).