[SironEmbargo] Restart scoring instances when they hang

When you check the Scoring Monitoring screen, you see the Status of a scoring instance is Online, but the Last Feedback time hasn't been updated. That means the scoring instance hanged.

Please follow the steps below to restart a hanged scoring instance:

For example, the Client-ID is 0001 and the hanged scoring instances are 2 and RMT.

1. Navigate to the scoring log folder of instance 2: <SironEmbargo>\client\<Client-ID>\workswift**2**\.

2. Delete timestampStart.txt and timestampStop.txt files.

3. Navigate to the scoring log folder of instance 2: <SironEmbargo>\client\<Client-ID>\workswift**RMT**\.

4. Delete timestampStart.txt and timestampStop.txt files.

5. Start the scoring instance(s):

  • Open the command line program and navigate to <SironEmbargo>\system\scoring\batch\system\ folder.
  • Run the following commands to start instance 2 and RMT (Windows): 
    • startInstanceTrx.bat 0001 2
    • startInstanceTrx.bat 0001 RMT

6. Check the Last Feedback time of instance 2 and RMT on the Scoring Monitoring screen again to see if they are updated.